
Resources are your currency in the game.

Resource types

You have two types of resources in the game:

  • supply
  • money.

Captured towns like in the picture have indicators of the resources they produce. This town produces both supply (S) and money ($) with a rate of 68 per minute.


Supply resource is abbreviated in the game with 'S', e.g. like this: "S 650". Sometimes players write it in reverse order: "650 S".

You get supply from:

  • captured towns and points of interest (they produce it constantly as long as they stay in your team's control)
  • some special missions (like supply truck spawns).

Supply is used to:

  • build base structures
  • run tech upgrades.

(Note that certain key tech upgrades might require some money, too.)

Supply is shared/common for the whole team. Only team's commander can use it (in practice).


Money resource is abbreviated in the game with '$', e.g. like this: "$ 1250". Sometimes players write it in reverse order: "1250 $".

You get money from:

  • capturing towns and points of interest
  • neutralizing enemy units
  • destroying enemy bases and HQs
  • from some special missions.

Money is used to:

  • buy equipment & gear for infantry, like the player itself
  • buy all kinds of vehicles from bases or friendly town main depots.
  • buy certain tech upgrades.

Money is player based. Each player has their own pool of money ingame. Players can send money to each other via WF Menu -> Economy tab. (See picture below.)

💡 Did you know?

You can also convert extra supply you don't need into money. For example, S 1000 (S = supply) would get converted into $2,000. You can do this by opening the WF menu (mouse scroll):

and selecting Economy tab:

Usually though, supply is more valuable and needed more than extra money. The supply to money converter is useful mostly in late game after (almost) all tech upgrades have been done and supply keeps stockpiling from the captured towns.