Commander role

Both teams have a commander role. It's the most important role in the game.
There's also AI commander built in the mission. It's actually quite smart and autonomous! However, it won't build new bases.
To build a new base in better location (often closer to the front line), a player needs to take control of the commander role. Selecting strategically good positions for friendly bases – and making your way there without losing your Mobile HQ (MHQ) – is one of the most important tasks for the team commander.
Commander should be familiar with resources.
Commander's tasks
Commanders have several main areas of responsibility:
- Friendly bases.
- Technology upgrades.
- Commanding players and AI troops.
- General strategy of the team.
Friendly bases
- Upkeep of existing bases:
- Repairing base structures after enemy attacks
- Building reasonable AI defenses (like static MGs, AT & AA launchers) in bases
- Building necessary base structures in the bases.
- Setting up new bases:
- Ensuring that your team is close enough to the frontline of the battle.
- It often involves some risk taking, because sitting in the corner of the map far away from action will just result in guaranteed loss of the match. Here's a word of truth: the biggest risk in the end is to not to take risks at all.
- Ensuring that your team is close enough to the frontline of the battle.
- Defending the bases:
- When the AI defenses fail or when they get destroyed by enemy, a good commander should be prepared to be the last line of defense against attacks to friendly bases.
Technology upgrades
- Running tech upgrades:
The upgrades are located in WF menu (action menu, use your mouse scroll):

Then open the Upgrades tab.

- Having a tech strategy:
- Usually, it makes sense to select areas of focus to concentrate on. Upgrading a bit of everything is usually not the best strategy – although sometimes it could work as well!
- For the starters, it's usually a good combination to focus on Gear & Barracks combined with either Light Factory or Heavy Factory in the beginning.
- Note that many upgrades have dependencies to other upgrades (they're shown in the upgrade dialog below).
- The most important tech upgrade paths (especially in the early game) are marked in the picture below.